So I know I'm terrible but now I have pictures so lets just say I was waiting for those. Anyway starting back from suessical, which was AMAZING! I was Horton as many of you know, and it was probably the most fun, and best show I've ever been a part of. These are just a few of the Many pictures taken by the talented Danielle Moss! It was so much fun.

Our lovely Bird Girls :Kelsey Jarvis, Anais Alvarado, and Jenny McCauley, aren't they colorful, and mean, they follow me around in the show, and narrate everything I do, but then they turnaround and make fun of me when everyone else does.

This is Jeff Moss as the Grinch, and Calli Anderson as Max, we only had Max the last night but we thought it was fun.

Thats Adriene Dugger and myself, and Stones Grandchildren as the baby elephant-birds. Originally it was gonig to just be the one I was holding but on saturday they were suddenly passing me two babies! It was really fun and those babies totally stole the show. But it was great.

This is just kind of my favorite picture from the show, I like the stars in back of me, and it was one of my favorite songs to sing. It was just splendid.
Well then I guess the next big thing was Prom, if I'm not mistaken. I was privledged and honored, and quick enough to ask Michelle Cardon, but it was close let me tell you. She looked just like a princess. I mean really she did. It was so much fun, a great last hurrah for my senior year. Twas a blast.
And then there is graduation, I'm not going to show a lot of pictures because it was raining and we were gross and my dad told me to wear shorts and a T-Shirt and just be comfortable, and I did, and it was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life which I don't want to live on forever............ But anyway here some of the choice photos, from Baccalaureate! I was dressed right and proper then, even if it was hot.

This is my little sister Kari, who is actually older then me. Luckily I get to work with her this summer and thats been a great joy and relief to me, a familiar face and all that. Its been great going to school with her, and I wish her good luck at BYU-I

Zach Carpenter, Arielle Bratton (congrats on getting baptized,) Jocelyn Curtis. These were my student council

Me and Vinnie Chavez, this boy is gonna be famous one day. He's already on the commercials for MPS at the movie theaters. Its been my pleasure to work with him these past three years, I'm gonna miss the guy.

Group shot!
Its still kind of surreal in my mind, I can't quite imagine myself not in high school anymore, butI had a blast while I was there. Now I guess its time to move on. Right now I'm coaching swim team at Stapley Jr High, and earning money for my mission. Its a really great job. In the fall I'm gonig to CGCC, and planning to turn in my paper work in December so I can leave right arounds my birthday. I'm really excited!
I think as much as you will move on and grow and change, there's a part of you that will always be high school. I suppose that's true of any time in your life, but I think high school is one of those highlights. Yeah you'll remember both good and bad, but for me the good stands out more in my memories. And you may have slight culture shock, but you'll do fine in college. :) Congrats on everything!
mwhahaha, you thought I couldn't stalk you back :) Looks like your senior year rocked! I hope you get to enjoy college just as much and you should write me where you get your mission call when you get it...
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