Our lovely Bird Girls :Kelsey Jarvis, Anais Alvarado, and Jenny McCauley, aren't they colorful, and mean, they follow me around in the show, and narrate everything I do, but then they turnaround and make fun of me when everyone else does.

And then there is graduation, I'm not going to show a lot of pictures because it was raining and we were gross and my dad told me to wear shorts and a T-Shirt and just be comfortable, and I did, and it was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life which I don't want to live on forever............ But anyway here some of the choice photos, from Baccalaureate! I was dressed right and proper then, even if it was hot.

Group shot!
Its still kind of surreal in my mind, I can't quite imagine myself not in high school anymore, butI had a blast while I was there. Now I guess its time to move on. Right now I'm coaching swim team at Stapley Jr High, and earning money for my mission. Its a really great job. In the fall I'm gonig to CGCC, and planning to turn in my paper work in December so I can leave right arounds my birthday. I'm really excited!